The R.I.-native foremost “authority on America’s favorite foods”
– Gastropod podcast
“A fun-loving writer who romps through the world of food as if it were one great big carnival.”
– Providence Journal
“Julia Child she ain’t.”
– Publisher’s Weekly
Why not? Roasts and stews are for people without imagination! Bring summer warmth to this chilly season with the clam-cake recipes and year-round restaurant recommendations in The Great Clam Cake and Fritter Guide.
Order now on Amazon.com, Bookshop.org, or GlobePequot.com.
“This book is a treat, just like the clam cakes it celebrates.”
– Amazon review
“Clam-packed, from cover to cover!”
– Rhody Radio podcast
The R.I.-native foremost “authority on America’s favorite foods”
– Gastropod podcast
“A fun-loving writer who romps through the world of food as if it were one great big carnival.”
– Providence Journal
“Julia Child she ain’t.”
– Publisher’s Weekly
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